Dumpster Pad Cleaning To Protect The Health Of Your Business

Dumpster pad cleaning protects business

Dumpster pad cleaning is an unfortunate but important aspect of maintaining any commercial property. While it justifiably may not be the first thing on any business owner's mind, the fact is that it needs to be done, and continuous neglect can lead to issues. If you aren't aware of the last time it was done, chances are it hasn't, and scheduling the next pressure washing date for the dumpster area will only serve to improve things around the commercial property you own or rent.

Breeding Ground For Disease

You may be wondering as you read this, "What if I don't? What's the big deal?" Depending on the nature of your business, the truth is that it can be quite nasty. Even dumpsters that are filled with normal, inorganic waste, such as paper products, can attract moisture and rot over time. When organic wastes are introduced more commonly, especially if the business handles food products, rot will occur much more rapidly and the dumpster can become a breeding ground for disease. This means the dumpster can fill with bacteria, attract rodents, and become increasingly unsightly to deal with.

If left in this condition for a long period, even consistent emptying is not enough. When the dumpster contains liquids or leaky waste, these can seep through the bottom of the dumpster and create toxic or bacteria-ridden stains beneath the container. Even after the dumpster is emptied, those liquids remain at the bottom, often having already soaked into or adhered to the metal flooring. Thus, putrid liquids can continue seeping into the dumpster pad even despite consistent emptying, especially if the waste is moist or organic.

Prevent Nasty Odors

If continuous rot or liquid seepage is present in your dumpster, it will begin producing nasty odors. This is very unpleasant for any employees to deal with if they're required to empty trash consistently, but it's also a deterring factor for any customers that may find themselves back there. Since strong odors are often a symptom of already-present rot and bacterial infestation, this can be a very negative sign for customers or business partners to encounter.

Regular Pressure Washing Is An Easy Fix

The solution is simple! By scheduling regular dumpster pad washing for your Bentonville business, you can prevent this from ever becoming an issue. Maintain a healthy and even pleasant backlot environment by ensuring your dumpster and dumpster pad are clean and free of any rot or deterioration. That way meandering customers, employees on trash duty, or business partners scoping out your lot don't have any reason to feel deterred by your business practices.